
Groomin' believes that every dog:

* Deserves uninterrupted attention from the groomer
* To be treated with care and respect
* Will be groomed at the pace he/she requires
* Deserves to look his/her best
* Will receive a biscuit for a job well done!

Groomin' Staff:

* Is skilled in their expertise
* Will treat all pets with care and respect
* Will never force a groom
* Will work with your pup in creating a stress-free grooming experience *Will be professional in their conversations, appearance and demeanor
* Will provide 100% of the services promised and requested without compromising their care of your pet

Groomin' believes that every Owner:

* Should feel comfortable with their groomer
* Should feel that their dog is being cared for and in a safe environment
* Will be satisfied with service provided
* Will feel that they have been charged adequately for their grooming services whether Mobile or at the Shop
* Will receive 100% of the services promised and requested whether the groomer is running ahead or behind schedule
* Will receive a courtesy reminder email the weekend before his/her dog's next appointment